Friday, May 14, 2010

it's a wonderful time for break dancing.

so. here's what i've been obsessed with lately. no, again. no, now? ahaha. so here's the scoop: i really really really want to learn how to breakdance! i'm asian, so that's covered. but i really think they're amazing. and once i learn how to jump without tripping on air, i'll be slightly there. also, they pull off some really cute funky clothes... well! for example...

<---- that's BIG BANG. they're korean, i think? they sing, breakdance, and manage to look amazingly adorable at the same time.
ahaha. either way it's a goal i believe i'm destined to accomplish. well. ciao, kiddies. if you're there and reading this;D

Monday, May 10, 2010

GLEE fashion !

so lately i've been MAJORLY obsessed with GLEE! i am a GLEEK. it's just a show in which everybody gets to be themselves. it's AMAZING:) also, did anyone notice the cool sense of style they have?! my personal favorite character is kurt. not only for his great taste, but his

whole personality is quite... INSPIRING. i mean... look at him! he's gay. and he dresses in alexander mcqueen. in OHIO:) why was he so freaking inspiring? because i'm in the exact same spot as him. well, i'm not gay, but i wear things that don't particularly fit into vegas culture. so it's sometimes like... ay. but he's great because i now realize how different i wanna be. because that's just who i am, sir. so here's the lesson of the day guys: be a GLEEK! be different. don't feel the need to fit in. you are who you are! the more different you are, the better:)


sara. :)